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Operating Instructions

Scroll down to find your keypad.  Models listed are DSC832/1555, FBI4600, Napco 850/854, and Napco 1008.  If you do not find your model represented and need assistance, please call ARCO Security at 617-282-3300.


DSC 832 or DSC 1555



To arm (while away)

press (AWAY) and hold until it beeps


enter your 4-digit code.


To arm (while at home)

press (STAY) until it beeps.


To arm system (no entry delay)

press (*)(9), enter your 4-digit code.


To disarm from armed state

enter your 4-digit code.


To bypass a zone

press (*)(1), enter (2-digit zone number), press (#).


If the yellow TROUBLE ight is on

press (*)(2), look for the illuminated zone number, and call ARCO.


To clear alarm memory

turn the system On, then Off again.


To turn door chime on/off

hold down (CHIME) button for 2 seconds.


To reset smoke detectors

hold down (RESET) button for 2 seconds or press (*)(7)(2).


To change a code

press (*)(5), enter (4 digit MASTER CODE), enter (2 digit USER NUMBER), enter (NEW CODE), press (#).


To send a fire alarm

press and hold the button(s) next to the FIRE icon for 2 seconds.


To send a silent PANIC message

press and hold the button(s) next to the EXCLAMATION POINT ICON for two seconds.


To Send an audible PANIC message

press and hold the button(s) next to the POLICE BADGE ICON for 2 seconds.


To silence the fire alarm

enter your 4-digit code to shut off the siren,

look for the smoke detector with locked-in red LED,

once smoke is cleared, press (RESET) and hold until it beeps.


To silence the intrusion alarm

enter your access code.



 FBI 4600



To arm 

close all protected doors and windows,

wait for solid green light, enter your code,

wait for red armed light, exit within 30 seconds.


To disarm

enter your code.


To find open zone

(LED keypad zone light will be on)

press any key - the keypad will annunciate the open zone.


To reset

enter code to silence, then code to reset.


To bypass

push <BYPASS>, enter code, then zone number.


To change code

push <CODE> then enter master code,

then enter user number,

then enter new code.



Napco 850 or 854

To arm 

close all protected doors and windows,

wait for solid green light, enter your code,

wait for red armed light, exit within 30 seconds.


For instant protection

press <4> until it beeps.


To disarm

enter code

(if you make a mistake you must wait 5 seconds to try again).


To find open zone

(green light will be flashing)

push <3> and hold down until it beeps.


To bypass

press <S> plus zone number you wish to bypass.

Yellow light will illuminate.

Enter code.


To display bypassed zones

press <2> until it beeps.


To reset smoke/fire

enter code twice to silence alarm. 

When smoke is clear, press <9> and hold until it beeps

(the red fire light on the keypad should shut off within 60 seconds).


To change code

press <8> and hold until it beeps,

enter program code, then push <S>, enter user #,

then new four-digit code.

Repeat for up to 4 users.

When completed, enter <S><S>


If all lights are flashing on the keypad

this indicates A.C. power loss, which may be caused by power failure,

blown fuses, tripped circuit breaker, or an unplugged transformer.

To arm, hold down <9> until it  beeps, then enter your code.

Lights will continue to flash at ten minute intervals until power is restored.


If the keypad is beeping

press <9> and hold until it beeps.


To test power, battery, or siren

press <1> until it beeps. 

The siren should sound for 5 seconds and shut off.

Central Station will not be notified.



Napco 1008


To disarm

enter your code.


To reset

press <9> until it beeps.


To change code

press <8> until it beeps, enter your program code.

The top 3 lights will flash and sounder will pulse.

Press <S>, enter user # and four-digit code.


To bypass

press <9> until it beeps, enter code to arm


 press <S> and zone number to bypass,

then enter the code to arm.


If the green light is flashing

this means the zone is open or in trouble.

Press and hold <3> to display zone,

then reset or bypass the zone.


If the top three lights are blinking

this means you've lost A.C. power.

Press <9> until it beeps, and arm.